Thursday, February 14, 2013

CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness: Tuesday 130212

Tuesday 130212

Rest Day


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Mnyenzeni, Kenya.

"Building Schools in Kenya" [video]

"War on drugs a trillion-dollar failure" by Richard Branson, CNN.

Posted by Pukie at February 12, 2013 5:00 PM

It is not a failure is you're the corporations that own the private prisons. Where do you thing CCA and other private prisons get the money to lobby and make sure no prohibitions end!? It is not going to get any better since Private prison owner agrees to buy prisons from the government if the government can guarantee a 90% occupancy rate (by arresting and imprisoning people). Oh Yea, and 48 States have signed up to this.

I just completed the war on drugs article. What a joke. To begin we are a feel good society. Alcohol isn't good enough any more so we have to smoke marijuana. Why not just legalize all drugs? People can make their own choices right?

The fact is that people don't go to prison for simple possession laws. They go for multiple violations and other crimes associated. If the 'don't harm anyone' pot users can't stay out of trouble using in the privacy of their own homes think of the fun we will all have when they walk aroundin mainstream society.

We all have our opinions but drugs are illegal. There are reasons things are illegal. Think about what this change would REALLY do for the good of our country.


Indeed it is also much easier to incarcerate socio-economically disadvantaged people who can neither afford proper lawyers nor have the education to cogently defend themselves in court.
So simple possesion charges or other charges that might be (and often are) dismissed for someone with money and education are brought to conviction.

Good article. The point is personal sovereignty. Legal doesn't equal moral. Illegal doesn't equal immoral. Take it from a 3L: The law is largely arbitrary and wholly unconnected with right and wrong. I have no need or desire to smoke marijuana, but I also don't have the audacity to pretend that I know what's best for you.


I agree with your (sarcastic) suggestion that we legalize all drugs.

Are you of the opinion that criminalization is effective at preventing drug use? Why?

If you do believe that criminalization is effective, why is it worth all of the billions that the drug war costs, just to potentially prevent some people from smoking weed?

Furthermore, why do you think that weed should be illegal, but not tobacco? If you wish to ban weed for health reasons, the CDC estimates that tobacco is responsible for 443,000 Americans dying, yearly.

Great video! Thank you Jason Khalipa and NorCal CrossFit. Proud to be a member of the community.

Thank you Nikki well put. I agree.

Drugs should be legal for the same reason raw milk should be legal. It's my body. I can do with it what I want. Addiction should be treated as a mental health issue. You really think throwing someone in a cage for 10+ years is going to solve their problem?

Some interesting changes afoot here, eh GD? Demo videos gone and thought provoking articles designed to elicit varying degrees of vitriol reappear after a 2 year hiatus.

Feels rather normal, it does...

Yes Ryan, then all of the drug addicts can get a free ride and cost the government (ie you and I) billions of dollars for all the hospitals, emergency services and rehab centres that it takes to indulge these people in their freedom of choice. Don't get me wrong I agree with freedom of choice but there has to be education to make informed choices. Our health care systems are overrun with people with diseases of lifestyle - that is diseases due to freedom of choice - diabetes, cardiac problems, respiratory problems, obesity, etc. The list goes on.

Absolutely not true. Doing things just because they make you feel good often leads to addiction; people will shape their life to accomodate what makes them feel good and poor decisions are made just in order to repeat a moment of escape from reality. I really hope crossfit doesn't really support legalizing drugs. Although the legal system may not match your personal moral system, in my opinion it is there to protect society and provide justice. Prison is a consequence that can be enforced. You can not force an addict into rehab.

Is that Bingo in the picture helping the villagers out with free eye care? Good for him! He truly embodies the spirit of the CrossFit community like no one else can.

Hats off to all the folks at NorCal CrossFit for their fundraising efforts to assist Kenyan villages shown in the video build schools! That's good work you're doing.

Whats good for thee is not necessarily good for me!

^^^ My thoughts on the whole argument.

whew......actually thought it was training day today. we are on a break in center parcs and I was looking to see what the wod was...hahaha, that shows the last 3 really tired me out. so glad its rest day! That "Jackie" with Sumo subs was an adventure!

I'm all for Crossfit helping out folks. How about something like "Crossfit for Heros?"
Our Hero WODs memorialize fallen operators and agents but many more, such as the SEAL in the Esquire magazine who killed Bin Laden, suffer from broken bodies from years of service. Can we use Crossfit to support all of our heroes who were not wounded but who have put enormous physical strains on their bodies and can no longer perform? Any ideas out there?

For those of you that agree with Mr. Branson, how about DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH DRUGS TO BEGIN WITH (whether it be using or selling or distributing or manufacturing) and you have no problems. For those of you that argue "some people have to make a living"...there are people at Whataburger that do just that. Don't get caught up in the media hype that you have to live in a huge house and drive fancy cars. If you have many mouths to feed the risk of going to jail or dying will not feed your children either. For those of you that say "it's your choice/right"...get some help and a life.

General rule of thumb...if you have to rationalize your decisions their wrong!

The "war on drugs" should be viewed as an economic issue and resolved through personal responsibility. Based on supply and demand, there should be no law which restricts supply. Restrict demand at will.

This would mean possession, distribution and sale are legal. Use or abuse can be made illegal. Penalties can include mandatory addiction treatment.

This would make no one happy, but would likely work. It would change the "playing field" of the illegal industry. It would also shift the responsibility back to the U. S. Individual.

Excellent article from someone who knows everything about success and loving it.

For those who think that no one has a legitimate use for drugs, how many of you drink regularly? Or take tylenol when you're in pain? Or spend hours working out, managing your diet and finding supplements or the endorphin rush?

Of course drugs can ruin your life, as can all of the above. If you think that the war on drugs isn't ruining millions more lives, take a trip to your local prison, Chicago, or Juarez and ask yourself if enforcing "healthy" decisions is worth the cost.

I find complete hyposcrisy in an article about the legalization of drugs being posted on a website that promotes people bettering themselves through exercise and nutrition. What's even more hypocritical is that I am sure tomorrow's WOD will be a tribute to a hero, someone who died serving our country. Here's a news flash-- our military service members, the ones who you name your workouts after and declare as heroes, are involved in drug eradication efforts on a daily basis. And yes, military service men and women have died during those operations. For you to post an article calling for the legalization of drugs is a complete slap in the face to their memory, honor, and mission.

You should be completely ashamed of yourself, as should anyone on this website who is for the legalization of drugs but then does the hero WOD's only to write under comments, "thank you for your service....RIP...a true hero..."

@JT Comment #13--- is this how someone embodies the spirit of the Crossfit community??? DISGUSTING

J.T. @13,

Thanks for the kind words, but that isn't me. That guy is younger, fitter, blonder, and looks waaaay better in those shades than I would. I do agree, though, that he is expressing the best of what our CrossFit world has to offer.


Imagine a Crossfit "addict" that blows out their Achilles tendon. The average cost for that surgery is $10,000-$30,000.
This is a comparable amount to a month or two in rehab for a drug addict.
Most people will do what they find pleasure in without considering the cost to society/others.

Why does anyone read and/or believe the bullstein that CNN puts out?

It is a fact that there is demand for drugs. I don't see that changing, however much people may want it to. The violence relating to drugs is due to them being illegal. We have a historical precedent for this: during Prohibition violence related to selling alcohol was exponentially higher than it was post-Prohibition.

It you want to lower the drug related violence, then legalize softer drugs, tax them and use the proceeds to pay for addiction treatment and education. It is called a drug "war" for a reason": wars are violent.

To say prison doesn't prevent or stop the problem so we shouldn't arrest users is an illogical fallacy. Prison does not prevent murder. We imprison murderes but people still murder. Should we then not make murder legal because of a failed prison system.

Prison is not supposed to "fix" the problem it is PUNISHMENT. Paying a debt to society. As a State Trooper I see alot of the drug culture. It is a culture and not merely "the individuals body". If some of you could see the side if drugs that I see you might change your minds especially when innocent children are wrapped up in mom and dads abuse and because of that are subjected to everyone else in the drug culture that the parents are.

I'm glad links, such as to the one about drug legalization, are back on the Main Site!!

Do u know why prisons and other establishments in this country don't fix or help anyone? Have u ever seen the inside of a prison? WHAT A JOKE... prison inmates live pretty much in luxury, tvs, radios, 3 meals a day, xbox, play station.. They live better than the lower class american family, who probably actually still try and work for a living.. Now obviously are there people in prison who are wrongfully charged and thrown in sure, it is def an imperfect system, but besides that fact, they committed crimes and broke the law, ALL rights should be stripped away.. They should sleep on concrete, have one tv per cell block and eat on rations or MRE's... They have a flipping commissary where they can buy snacks and better food than food stamps buy, YEAH TALK ABOIT
ROUGH..An inmate shouldn't have the right to a darn thing, we've become way too dam soft on society and we've lowered the bar of standards that we live by because ppl complain and moan and want more without giving more.. We can't and shouldn't depend on our Government for anything, look at European countries that are rioting because they lived off the system and now the system is flat broke and bankrupt, we as Americans should def learn from that mistake, but of course, ignorance is bliss!! We need leaders with, pardon the vonacular, with balls to stand up an lead our communities, our cities and states and most importantly this country. And get is back on track to the foundation on which this country was built. I am a Christian man, and could definitely elaborate more on my views of how we as men have let this country fall apart, but we all as people, as American Citizens, have an obligation and responsibility to uphold to keep things working properly. We all need to stand up, take responsibility for our own actions, and take charge of our lives and do the right things, even though it might offend someone, or it might even hurt someones feelings or ego. I won't apologize for my views or words, this is what I think and how I see it, please feel free to comment back if u feel the need!

Comment #17 - Posted by: CP at February 12, 2013 3:52 AM

I too read the Esquire article 'Man who Killed Osama Bin Screwed' last night. I was surprised that we don't have any support for our elite warriors ready to make the transition to civilian life. That's wrong.

beautiful day ... 3 mile jog.


Steven673 - I am a retired state trooper. I worked 6 years in the Highway Patrol and 19 years in Criminal Investigations in AZ. I worked on State/Federal/Local task forces with US Customs, FBI, DEA & IRS-CID. We recently re-located to Colorado and I voted in favor of Amendment 64.

If you knew anything about the evolution of US Drug Policy then you would know that minorities were specifically targeted.

I suggest that you read Strategic Suicide - The Birth of the Modern American Drug by Dan Russell.

I became a police officer in order to protect people from bullies and the worst bully is the one with the badge.

Drug abuse needs to be treated from as a medical problem and not as a law enforcement problem.

Day 288

Made up "Jackie" - WOD 130211-Mon
For Time:
Row 1000M
45# Thrusters, 50 reps
30 Pull-ups
Time - 10:04

Then - WOD 130210-Sun
Hang Squat Clean (7x2 reps)


Alcohol is way more dangerous in every aspect then marijuana. Alcohol leads to harder drug use, loose moral decisions that cause failed marriages, STI's, MVA's and violence.
Marijuana may lead to laziness, depression/anxiety, and the occasional sugar binge.
But hey if everyone enjoys paying higher taxes to stop these evil hippies

Also its great to see thought provoking articles posted on a fitness website, Good job Crossfit using this community to build better bodies and better minds


You really think taxes would come down without the drug war? You are in some sort of drug-induced dream world.

The drug addicts are running the country. Obama is an admitted heavy marajuana and cocaine user in his past. His goal is not to lower taxes in case you haven't been paying attention for the last 4 years...

I love you guys :)

(No I am not smoking Marijuana)

Okay, Crossfit is a lifestyle, understood. About health and fitness. Not promoting drug use. I don't think froning and bailey are smoking preworkout Progenex weed.

Unless Richard Branson has conducted groundbreaking research involving the effect of using marihuana on lung function, and how it will lower my Fran time, I personally believe that his or anyone else's views on drug legalization have no place being posted on this website. You're better than this HQ.

ICD and Dylan,

The CDC estimates that tobacco is responsible for killing over 400,000 Americans a year. Do you think tobacco products should be illegal?

What about fast food and soda? Should they be illegal too?

Does it make sense that the questions "Is X healthy?" and "Should X be illegal" are two distinct ideas? Much, or even most of what is unhealthy is entirely legal.

5.5 Miles
200 Situps

52 minutes

Shoot, I was looking for the Crossfit website. I accidentally pressed MSNBC news!

No day off here. Did 30 rounds of 30 seconds on 30 seconds off of rowing. Total meters close to 5K! Next time.

Incarceration costs more taxpayer dollars than rehabilitation programs. But hey guess we gotta pay those private prisons right? They've worked super hard lobbying our politicians! Ahh capitalism at its finest!

Right on Bingo i too have been wondering when these conversation starter articles would make a return. Well great one to make a come back with.

Isn't this site about trying to obtain optimal health? Let's weigh and measure a nice paleo meal and then fire up a fattie!

Keep in mind the misuse of alcohol, and its health consequesnces, add significantly to health care costs, injuries and death. The taxes and revenue received from the sale of alcohol doesn't offset the societal costs and despite the lifting of prohibition, crime related to alcohol has not magically disappeared. The same will hold true for the legalization of drugs.

Drugs and alcohol cannot make something you are not. Alcohol can't sing and drugs can't dance.

@ 42 gmc: Alcohol can most definitely make one dance :P


Unh uh Paul--It's you all along baby.

Showed up to a "Fight Gone Bad" this morning and some guy named Sumo-Deadlift Highpull chipped my tooth. I literally got my ass kicked! ;)

Made up "Jackie"

Subbed one arm DB Row for pull ups. Still a heck of workout.

I can get any drug in any city any day of the week.
Drug War=FAIL

At least half of the voters in the U.S. are on drugs - proof positive now that Obongo was re-elected. I say legalize all of it and tax the hell out of it. Let the users decay from their abuse.

For those freaking out about this link being posted on the main site, welcome to CrossFit. If you are too simple to appreciate that a link to an article neither endorses nor denigrates any particular position, then you probably shouldn't be on the internet alone.

This was, for many years, The RX'd Standard on Rest Days. Articles (if you care to look back) ranged from economics to politics to poetry to matters of public policy. While the editorial selection tends to be more libertarian than anything else, it's generally a change from what the MSM is posting.

Sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it's a topical issue. The intended goal seemed to be to provoke intelligent discourse among the community. Tirades and insults aren't welcome. It occasionally gets heated, but in the end, the idea seemed to be to exercise that area between your ears with some of your fellow CF devotees.

Welcome back, Rest Day. (And welcome back to Speal. I know whose shirt I'll be rocking at the HDC in July).


I am confused at the intent of this article. Instead of blaming the drug users of the country (because it is illegal to use illegal drugs) we are looking at the cost of enforcement. If people did not use drugs enforcement would not have to be done. I will continue paying my taxes to enforce the laws and do my best to obey them. Voluntary compliance has always been the way of this country. If we as a society push our way toward general disobedience the society collapses. I am able to drive safely to wherever I want because people generally obey traffic laws. The violators are stopped and a punishment is given. I do not see why your freedom to do whatever you want has anything to do with this argument. I also have looked over the Constitution and don't see anywhere it says the private citizen can do anything they want.

Adam - I think the intent has to do with public policy, which implicates how your tax dollars get spent (among other things). i.e. Whenever we talk about governmental actions - particularly through the force of law - there is always a cost-benefit analysis. Branson is asking whether the massive amount of tax revenue spent on the "war on drugs" can be justified, particularly in light of the lack of deleterious effects of one particular Schedule I substance that doesn't really seem to belong on that list (THC) and its uneven enforcement record. I don't know if he's right or not about the claimed benefits of legalization of weed, but I think that's the case he's making. You've changed the argument entirely and added a straw man with the Constitution. It's a non sequitur, really. He's making a claim broadly about the costs of the war on drugs, but using one particular illegal drug as the lynchpin of his argument. I'm not sure legalizing heroin, or methamphetamine is a great idea, but then again, it won't affect me either way - which raises an interesting point about drug legalization. If drugs were suddenly made legal, would you run out and use the ones you thought dangerous? Probably not. Neither would most people. And the people who currently use (illegally) would now not be criminals, but simply addicts. His point at least bears considering on its own merits and not mere dismissal.


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