Monday, January 7, 2013

Eric Chua : Life, Business and Real Estate in Singapore ? Become A ...

While it can be exciting to own commercial property, a great deal of effort is required to care for it. This probably has you thinking about the best place to start so you can properly manage the property. Since it could be really complicated to own your own commercial property, you need all the information you can get. By reading this article, it can help shed some light on what you need to do to be successful.

Here is a way you can save when it comes to cleanup costs and repairs. You are only liable for a property?s environmental hazards if you actually own all or part of the property. Environmental cleanup and waste disposal can rack up a massive and costly bill. Get a report from an environmental assessment company. They cost a bit, but they can save you a lot.

Take tours of any properties that you?re considering. It may be a good idea to take a professional contractor with you when you check out properties you are interested in purchasing. Begin negotiating and the process of offers and counter offers. Judge the counteroffers prior to making a decision either way.

TIP! Before signing the paperwork to lease a commercial property, check the lease form. Some real estate firms will add questionable requirements to these documents, and because of the length of these leases such additions are often overlooked.

Square Footage

Clearly state the amount of square footage you have available. Two different measurements are commonly used in commercial real estate. One is a measurement of the usable square footage based on the available square feet based upon space that can be used by the business. The other measurement is total square feet, which will include walls and spaces that cannot be inhabited. Knowing the amount of square feet you can do for both can make your process smoother.

Keep your focus on the largest issues when writing your letters of intent. Keep it simple and save the smaller issues for later in the negations. It will be less stressful to negotiate and can also make it easier to come to terms on the smaller things as well.

TIP! You need to understand that each property has for itself, a lifetime. It?s important to factor maintenance costs into your projections of what you?ll need to spend on the property over the long term.

The environment of your property is an important factor. You may be liable for cleanup of a property that has been environmentally damaged from prior use. Is your property located in an area known for floods? You might want to reevaluate your decision. You can contact environmental assessment agencies to obtain information about the area in which you are considering buying something.

You may wish to focus your efforts on only one property type at a time. Pick a specific niche, such as retail or residential, and look only for that. Every category expects and even needs your complete and undistracted focus. It is better to become master of one type of investment rather than just being mediocre at many types of investments.

Pest Control

TIP! If you are novice investor, you should start off with just one single type of investment. For example, concentrate your efforts on working with a single type of property.

Before you consider leasing or renting, look into whether or not pest control is covered in the lease. This is important in less desirable locations where rodents and/or bugs are an issue. Have your rental agent inform you of any associated policies for pest control.

If you want to learn a lot about real estate, check out several websites that offer a lot of information to both experienced and new real estate investors. You can never learn too much, so you should study real estate topics regularly.

This allows you to make sure the lease matches rent rolls, along with the pro forma. If you choose not to review these key terms, there may be a term that got overlooked by the rent roll, that can lead to a modification in the standard documentation.

TIP! You need to understand that investing in smaller complexes means more hassle, and some experts recommend avoiding these properties to avoid the hassle. Instead, you should look for complexes that have more than 10 units.

As with other property purchases, pay attention to the three Ls: location, location, and location. Find out more about the neighborhood. Look at similar neighborhoods to determine the likely growth trends over time for your property?s neighborhood. You need to be sure that in five to ten years later, the area will still be growing.

Your first step is to find financing. Loan products and commercial lenders are different from home loans. Commercial loans have some significant advantages that investors can take advantage of, that people buying personal property cannot. While you do need to put more money down on a commercial loan, you?re fully protected from personal liability and are permitted to borrow some money to put towards your down payment.

Commercial Property

TIP! Buy property with more units. The higher the number of units you have in a property, the more streams of financial income you have from the property.

As you have just read, you are now aware that the purchasing and owning process of commercial property requires a lot of hard work and effort on your part to make it a smooth experience. You will also need to stick with it and not give up. Keeping the aforementioned tips in mind, you are well on your way to owning a nice piece of commercial property.


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